
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Paris Hilton fragrance?

During my over-1-hour-long wait at the dentist last week, I tried to kill some time reading an issue of GQ (ITS' favorite). Among countless ads, I see this one for a perfume from... Paris Hilton! OK, is it just me that has had enough of her? First of all, I don't find her "hot" at all and I have a hard time understanding what all the big deal is all about. To me, she's just a super-spoiled rich super-skinny dumb blonde. I guess the new trend now to become famous is to have a home-made sex video tape "stolen." And, thanks to the internet, one can become famous overnight. For instance, Tommy Lee was just an another showy 80s hair band drummer - until his home-made video with Pamela Anderson was "stolen" and his fame rose among the horny female population.

Back to the fragrance ad. As if tabloid fame and inherited money wasn't enough for Paris Hilton, now she's following on the footsteps of other "just-for-show" celebrities like J "Huge Ass" Lo and Britney "No Voice" Spears and launching her own line of fragrance. Why not? As if they haven't done enough damage to pre-teen and teenage girls who now want to wear the skimpiest outfits, now these "celebrities" want to milk out even more money from them (well, their parents) and creating their own line of hyped-up, not so good beauty crap.

I love capitalism!
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By Blogger ITS, at 10:23 PM EST


this "rant" is so 2003...

Paris is hot, and slutty. I would bang her 12 ways till Thursday.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 8:12 AM EST

What can I say, I'm old-fashioned I guess...    

By Blogger Josue', at 8:40 AM EST

Parasite is lame, but the PAPArazzi loves her for some lame reson (like big pay days for them)...

I bet your daughter will be asking for some of that Paris scent in a few years when they sell it at Toys-R-Us bundled with the Paris Barbie...:p    

By Blogger ITS, at 1:10 PM EST

I got one, I got one...

If "dising" Paris Hilton was an Olympic sport, Shqipo would get the bronze medal! ;DDDDD    

By Blogger ITS, at 1:11 PM EST

"dissing" that is...

damn now the joke is lost in misspelling..    

By Blogger shqipo, at 1:57 PM EST

Bronze?! Damn, I better try harder next time.    

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