
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Blogger.com errors

OK, I just posted a short blog on my TechieSpot (http://techiespot.blogspot.com/2006/03/google-yahoo.html) and, while I ran the spell check, it flagged Google, AdSense and Yahoo as spelling errors. Normally, I wouldn't care about it, but knowing that Blogger is owned by Google, I thought it's pathetic and embarrassing that this company's spell checker doesn't recognize their own name!

Addition: I ran spell check on this post and guess what? Now "Blogger" and "blog" are being flagged as incorrect! Hilarious!
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By Blogger Okok, at 7:50 AM EST

And that is in English! Imagine trying to spell check on Blogger in Spanish or other languages they provide...    

By Blogger rajuda, at 10:33 AM EST

Well... Majority of the blogs and bloggers are facilitating the evolution of a new language! Of what use could the spell-checker be to such people?


By Blogger shqipo, at 9:21 AM EST

That's true everyone. I thought it was funny - and yes, I do think the dictionary of the spelling engine needs to be updated. At least add your company's name!    

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