OK, I just posted a short blog on my TechieSpot ( and, while I ran the spell check, it flagged Google, AdSense and Yahoo as spelling errors. Normally, I wouldn't care about it, but knowing that Blogger is owned by Google, I thought it's pathetic and embarrassing that this company's spell checker doesn't recognize their own name!
Addition: I ran spell check on this post and guess what? Now "Blogger" and "blog" are being flagged as incorrect! Hilarious!
Addition: I ran spell check on this post and guess what? Now "Blogger" and "blog" are being flagged as incorrect! Hilarious!
And that is in English! Imagine trying to spell check on Blogger in Spanish or other languages they provide...
Well... Majority of the blogs and bloggers are facilitating the evolution of a new language! Of what use could the spell-checker be to such people?
That's true everyone. I thought it was funny - and yes, I do think the dictionary of the spelling engine needs to be updated. At least add your company's name!
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