
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.


I know several people personally who love celebrity gossip and try to follow all the latest trends set by "celebrities" - and in the process try to look a little bit like them as well. You know, the usual "I'd like my hair cut like such and such" etc. And it does look like following celebrities is big business - people love gossip! How else could one explain the financial well-being of trashy supermarket papers and all those paparazzis with expensive cameras?

I'm glad to say I have not gotten to that point, despite the fact that many times I get this "has anyone told you you look like David Duchovny?"

Browsing through the vast internets this morning, I found MyHeritage.com, a face recognition software site. I thought I'd give it a try just for the heck of it. So here is what it says I look like:

  1. Alain Prost (famous Formula 1 race car driver - Yesss!): 73%
  2. Tony Danza: 72%
  3. Harvey Keittel: 72%
  4. Emma Watson (whaaat?): 68%
  5. Mikis Theodorakis (Greek composer - arrgh!): 67%
  6. Bobby Charlton (famous English football - err... soccer player): 66%
  7. Camilla Parker (yikes!): 64%

So...where's David Duchovny? Maybe I should try it with another picture - if only I had more time or really cared about this.

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By Blogger Lily, at 3:31 AM EDT

I have no idea who half the people on that list are...but you look like Emma Watson??Hmmm    

By Blogger shqipo, at 8:27 AM EDT

I guess...    

By Blogger Josue', at 5:12 PM EDT

All of those people are HOT...By hot, I mean NOT. :p    

By Blogger shqipo, at 7:29 PM EDT

Thank you so much for your vote of confidence Josue' - as if I need that anyway :P I think the ladies can talk for themselves    

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