
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

I'm not a very understanding person

A while ago I vented here how I think that not everyone is not meant to go to college. I got several types of feedback, some were critical to me for saying that. I started to think about it back then and thought maybe I went a little too far, but yesterday I got the following email from a student of mine and now I'm back thinking I was right - and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong!

I am sorry for complaining before I looked I did not think about checking the submit assignment area in the small group section. I apologized to xxxxx as well. You were not telling me anything when I asked you questions you just say do it yourself. That to me was a little rude and makes me think you are not a very understanding person. Not everyone is intelligent. I have learning disabilities so I have to work extra hard and when you say mean things it makes me want to give up.

They were supposed to do this group project and she was complaining that noone from her group had submitted any work (which turned to be not true) so I replied that she does her work by herself. Apparently, this was a very "mean" thing to say. WTF? Am I the only one who thinks this sensitivity crap is going way too far? Especially when there was no mean thing said anyway. It just pisses me off when people accuse me for things I haven't done!

What the hell does she think I teach, a special ed class? This is college, not elementary school. Just because they pushed you through the system all the way through here (and the university closes an eye as long as they get paid) doesn't mean you're qualified to have a college degree and be equal others. I'm sorry to be so blunt but it's the truth. I thought college was supposed to be an optional educational institution where those who do have the ability to learn go to - and when they finish it, it proves this ability of theirs (at least theoretically).

I'm not an understanding person? What kind of medication are you on? First you admit it's your fault, then turn around and blame me for your stupidity? Well, understand this F then for not doing your work!
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By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 9:57 PM EDT

Souds to me like you're being a little, um, sensitive.

Kidding, kidding.    

By Blogger Josue', at 9:01 AM EDT

Someone need a hug, but not from me... :p    

By Blogger ITS, at 9:23 AM EDT

Dude, you know that the American higher education is big business. It's worth letting everybody in at the beginning and have them sort themselves through the process.

What was that about "Look at the person to your right, look at the person to your left.... " Yeah, I was the person in the middle :D    

By Blogger shqipo, at 9:36 AM EDT

Rich: Me sensitive? Look who's talking! But maybe you're right, maybe I need to take some of those drugs of yours :P

josue': keep the hugs to yourself :)

ITS: are you sure you were the one in the middle? :))    

By Blogger Lily, at 5:35 PM EDT

Aww, I really wish I could sympathise with you. But I was up at 5 this morning to complete an essay which was due 4 days too early because the tutor decided he needed his holiday earlier this year. Now that is mean and insensitive.Not too fond of those in the teaching profession at the moment...sometimes they just make life so difficult. (not talking about you :p)    

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