
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Ah, those beavers...

I try to watch Jay Leno's show whenever I can - especially on Monday nights because I find those "Headlines" hilarious. Tonight they had a rerun (which I hadn't seen before) and had "Jay walking" instead of the headlines. Jay was quizzing people on the street about state slogans, e.g. "Which one is the Garden State?" Apparently, all of them had no idea about these slogans. [beginning of shameless plug]I impressed myself by actually knowing most of them [end of shameless plug]

The most hilarious one came from this blondie (girl) who was asked which one was the Beaver State (Oregon - I didn't know this one). She said she didn't believe there's a beaver state, because if there was, she'd feel sorry for people who live there. Her reason for feeling sorry: "There must be nothing to do there, those people get bored and just play with beavers!"

If that's the case, blondie, I'm packing and driving to OR first thing in the morning! :)
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By Blogger Josue', at 8:37 AM EDT

You need help........stat! :p    

By Blogger shqipo, at 8:45 AM EDT

I found it hilarious when I watched it on TV    

By Blogger Ginamonster, at 2:18 PM EDT

hee. nothing like a good Beaver Joke to make me giggle.    

By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 12:55 PM EDT

Aren't you, um, Married?


By Blogger shqipo, at 12:55 PM EDT

So...marriage = gay now?    

By Blogger Lily, at 2:53 PM EDT

I think the marriage comment was made regarding the last sentence of your post. :p    

By Blogger Lily, at 2:53 PM EDT

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.    

By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 6:51 PM EDT

That would be correct, Lily.

Thanks for defending me from Shqipo's insane rantings.


By Blogger shqipo, at 9:43 PM EDT

Argh! And look who's talking, the guy who keeps flirting with the ladies (and guys alike...) on his blog!    

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