
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

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Here's another English language puzzle that I can't figure out: Why are policemen called "officer?" They're not working inside an office. Is a police car an office?
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By Blogger ITS, at 12:56 PM EDT

I got one, I got one...

"Why do we drive on a parkway
and park on a driveway?"


By Blogger shqipo, at 4:05 PM EDT

Beats me... :S    

By Blogger Josue', at 5:53 PM EDT

Oh..you simple mind you... :p

"Police Officer" and that is my final answer.

It's the whole military influence. When someone wants to be a cop, they must first become a cadet and then they graduate to "officer" and then up the chain of command...Did you not take a Civics class at any of the fine MI institutions of higher ed that you attended? :p    

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