Another phase...
...of parenthood has started. Ema is crawling all over so we bought our first "gate" and locks for kitchen cabinets. I guess I need to get adjusted to these changes (among other ones...) now. Don't be surprised if you see me competing at any hurdles race during the next Summer Olympics.
Next thing you know she will be asking for a cell phone...:p
If she can speak, may be. But for sure, cell phone seem to be a big attraction for little kids. And they are like sponges. Like the name.
L. prepare yourself for better times. When they reach the age of two, they are gorgeous.
Yes, I'm preparing myself... eh... .
Yes, I'm preparing myself... eh... .
Did someone let a parrot loose around here? :p
That's what I'll say in about a year at your house :P
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