
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

My house: $15 entrance fee

On my way to and from work, I drive through this really tiny suburb town/village (population 1753) called Sylvan Lake. It's been several days that they're advertising big time a home and garden tour.

Although they advertise this town as "the prettiest city in the state of Michigan" I have no clue what rigged contest they won. It's basically a former resort place with houses around, you guessed it, Sylvan Lake. But they're not the greatest houses anyway; there are other nearby suburbs which have truly houses and gardens to be admired.

With that being said, I am not sure why would someone, in the right mind, pay $15 or whatever to tour someone's aluminum/plastic sided, cheesy print paper walled house which looks pretty similar to several ones in the same neighborhood. Not me, that's for sure. And how nosy do you have to be to be willing to pay $10 just to see what's inside other ppl's house?!

What puzzles me more is these people who are opening up their homes for everyone to come in. If I were a burglar, this is a prime opp to learn all the ins and outs of these houses and come back later to collect the "rewards." Is it really worth it?
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By Blogger Lily, at 3:49 AM EDT

The same can be said for those people whose house is for sale and who put virtual tours online anyone can access. A bit risky.    

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