Immigrants' fault?!
"They're taking our jobs, our homes," said Debbie Rawlins, 48. "There's unemployment partly because of the Hispanics. The lady that took my job is Hispanic and she's bilingual." This quote was taken from here.
There are two things I don't understand in this quote from this lady (I could start judging her and say a few adjectives but I better not):
There are two things I don't understand in this quote from this lady (I could start judging her and say a few adjectives but I better not):
- How is it the Hispanics' fault that they're bilingual? Since when did being bilingual become a crime anyway? If she took your job because she's bilingual, maybe you should take your fat ass off the couch and instead of watching Jerry Springer, learn a new skill - or a new language - to be competitive.
- How exactly are the Hispanics taking your homes?! I find it very impossible for illegals to go and take someone's home forcefully. If they're buying your home, then WTF is wrong with that? Noone is forcing you to sell it. You're offering to sell it, they're buying it, it's called market economy, look it up - but you won't find its definition on Jerry Springer!
Stupid bilingual immigrants took my home, my woman, my dog.
but they left you behind :)
Damn those bilingual immigrants for learning english and making a good life for themselves!!
ps. I wonder if she would have complained is the imigrants were not hispanic???
"Token Latino" checking in right here...
I hate the term, "HISpanic" anyway...just another US categorization word without any regard for what people define themselves as...
Reminds me of that saying, "What do you call a person who speaks three languages? Trilingual. And a person that speaks two languages? Bilingual. And a person who speaks one? An American."
rich: who can resist your wife? And your dog had it comming! :P
Good question gina - I think you already know the answer... .
Mr. Latino: you know it! :)
It is interesting to see that what for you in Amerika is Hispanic, in Europe is called Yougos (mostly serbs and kosovarians). Just the name changes, the problem(s) is(are) the same!
My friend in New York tells me about hispanics a lot of ugly things. All the same I hear in Zurich about Yougos. One of the profs at my institute was complaining last semester that this yougo student has come to this beautiful country to study medicine because of the money, hence he doesn't deserve to pass! But the student, a very nice and charming kosovar-albanian, born here and speaking perfectly the language, a hard working student, didn't see the problem in the same away and started a complaint. Succesfully! In the next exam the prof was forbiden to take place and the student passed it without any problem. So, he is going to become a doctor and get a lot of money, that he actually deserves like any hard working person!!!
People need to complain and have somebody guilty for their misery. It makes their life easier, I guess. Easier than doing what Shqipo suggests (and I fully agree): to move their a.. and do something to change their life!
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