
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

The blind leading the blind

Now it's already old news that, just like I had anticipated (although not by this much), Apple lowered the price of their fancy iPhone by $200.

I've already posted my feelings/thoughts here about those "avant-garde" suckers that stay in line for hours to overpay for a product that has no shortage. And now I'm laughing all the way to the bank (well, kind of - since I doubt I'll ever buy the iPhone).

This was an interesting article. The Apple cult followers are finally, partially, starting to wake up.

Now here's a part that cracks me up: I've never seen a worse marketing strategy than what this dude, Andrew Brin, is using for himself - it's my assumption he did not mean for this to ruin his business! This dude is an "addiction Los Angelenos really that dumb and shallow to hire this guy?! His own words: "If they told me at the outset the iPhone would be $200 cheaper the next day, I would have thought about it for a second - and still bought it." "It's better than a dog, if you want to meet people," Brin said of his iPhone.

Mr. Brin, the addiction therapist, I have a message for you buddy: YOU'RE ADDICTED! Stop cheating your clients!

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By Blogger eni, at 4:55 AM EDT

edhe une kisha qejf ne fillim kete por tani dolen te palarat sheshit:)    

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