
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

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Home-made espresso machine?

I can't say I consider myself a sophisticated coffee buff, but ever since I started drinking coffee on regular basis around the tender age of 22 (after realizing that it was the only solution to staying up in MBA classes after sleeping only 3-4 hours), I do enjoy good coffee, twice a day. I used to drink Turkish-style coffee (and I still do sometime) but now I mostly drink drip-style coffee and, sometimes, an espresso.

I am not into the "half-skim-half-regular-half-decaf-half-cold machiatto" type coffees at all. I even drink my drip coffee black so I can enjoy it fully. Although I've wanted to, I never got around getting an esp
resso machine, even a simple (read: cheap) stove-top one (aka Moka pot). But a friend of mine (not even Italian!) went to Italy recently and brought me a stainless steel Bialetti Moka pot (thanks Josue'!).

As I used it for the first time today, I decided to do a little research on the best water/coffee ratio, how to grind coffee for best taste, etc. During my research, I ran into this page of this guy who was showing how to make an espresso machine out of...PVC tubing! OK, those who know me know that I'm not one who throws money easily away. And I do admire those who are very creative and handy on making things. But c'mon, make espresso on PVC tubes? What's next, wine from the bathtub (not that it hasn't been done before...)? With the $30 this McGuire-wannabe guy wasted on making this "homemade" machine, you can buy a really good stove-top espresso maker. And I'm not even factoring in the wasted time to make it or the taste (I don't even want to think how that PVC espresso would taste like...)!

However, for those who are handy and brave enough to try a home-made espresso maker, here's the link.
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By Blogger Josue', at 12:00 AM EDT

That home-made "machine" looks like an industrial hazard! LOL! Give me a stainless steel maker anytime...    

By Blogger shqipo, at 12:36 AM EDT

It looks like a toilet syphon to me.    

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