Black books
I keep watching/hearing in movies people mentioning and having these black books where, supposedly, they keep their past girl/boyfriends' names and contact info. I do not know any of my friends who has such a book so I have a few questions:
- Does anyone really have such books?
- Do they have to have black covers? If so, why? Who came up with the idea of a black book? Can they be in electronic formats, such as a PDA?
- Why would people need such a book? For stalking their former lovers or those lonely nights when they need a booty call?
- With people now being quite mobile, moving from one place to another, wouldn't a good portion of the contact info be outdated?
1. Yes.
2. Yes. Must be black covers. Why? Because a black book cannot be a red book or a blue book or even a yellow book. The idea came from primative man who would club his partner and then use the claw of a saber tooth tiger and notch his black club that was in the shape of a book. :p eBooks don't count!
3. Ding, ding, ding!! BootyCall is the final answer.
4. See answer to #3 to make sure the contact information does not get updated. :p
Hm... do you have such a book?
I started reading your #2 answer but I got a headache...
Bootycall... works for me I guess :P
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