
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Your condo... scratch that: your car's condo is ready to move in

I have nothing against people using their hard-earned (or inherited...) money any way they want. It's just that sometime I scratch my head thinking "are you f... kidding me?"

Like this one: a $200,000 for... their car. I just don't know what to say.
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By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 6:44 AM EDT

Honestly, I feel the same way about folks in my town who have 10,000 square foot houses, but only four people live there. It seems wasteful and sad and empty.

Why is ITS posting anonymously?    

By Blogger shqipo, at 9:57 AM EDT

LOL! Actually it's me who posted, but the f... Opera at work didn't apply the username/pwd right    

By Blogger Ginamonster, at 2:07 PM EDT

shqipo, you are one of two people I know who use Opera. It's actually kind of cool...

Those condos aren't much smaller than my apartment...

I totally agree that it's wasteful, sad, and empty. Even sadder? some places are restricting size of homes (to like, 10,000 square feet to try to put a cap on real estate prices in small towns) so people are putting in fancy pointless amenities instead. Why do people think they need palaces for their 3 person family? it's like the over use of SUV's and huge trucks. if you aren't pulling a trailer, you don't need an F350!! grumble grumble...    

By Blogger shqipo, at 10:45 AM EDT

Opera is very good, ginamonster. It has the same functionality as Firefox but it consumes less processing power.    

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