
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.


It's been a while I haven't said anything blasphemous. Actually, I don't think this is blasphemous - cause I truly have no intention to be as such. I'm just curious, and, sometimes I think of unusual things - which sound logical to me, however.

For instance: I see all these people screaming and crying how much they love Jesus. Take Jerry Falwell, the famous anti-gay crusader. He loves Jesus very much. Now, if I'm not mistaken, Jesus was (or is, depending on your religious beliefs) a man. Jerry, as far as I can tell, is a man as well. Doesn't this love make Mr. Falwell gay? Not that I care much what Jerry's sexual preferences are, but... just curious... .

In addition, same goes for monks and priests - oh wait, we already know about Catholic priests and their sexual preferences. But that's kinda intriguing, because priests are supposed to be very much alike their Lord. Does that mean... (here comes the blasphemous part) that Jesus might have been gay as well? So, if Jerry and these priests share the same Lord, using the widely accepted Transitive Property of Equality, that means that... oh no... Jerry Falwell is gay and likes young boys?

And don't even make me start on those nice nuns. Seriously, I know they're very nice ladies - I still have to see a "hot" one like they have them in some movies but that's a different subject. So, they give up everything, even sex, because (their words, not mine) they are married to Jesus. I have no problems with that, actually I admire those ladies for sacrifice and dedication, I really do! Being one who always wonders, however, I can't help come up with questions such as:

  • When do they "consume" their marriage with Jesus?
  • How do they do it?
  • Do nuns fake headaches?
  • Taking into consideration that there are thousands and thousands of nuns, how can Jesus - and when does he find the time to - please them all?

And last but not least: If Jesus is married to so many nuns, isn't that polygamy? If so, why does the Catholic church and all the other "mainstream" Christian denominations condemn polygamy? They always tell us to be like Jesus (What Would Jesus Do?) - so why wouldn't they allow us to be polygamous? Does this mean that the Mormon Church is the one which truly follows Jesus?

That must be pretty nice: one man, married to all those women (nuns). Jesus, I envy you. Actually no, I love you Jesus! Oh wait!

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By Blogger Ginamonster, at 4:25 PM EDT

I am SO rolling on the floor. this is great!    

By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 9:02 PM EDT

Dude. I'm on vacation, so this is gonna be quick. I don't know if this is a joke or not, but some of the logical gaps seem beneath your normal level of smarts. So, if this whole post is a joke, I apologize.


1) A dude loving a dude clearly has nothing to do with being gay. Effectively you're saying that Dads who love their Sons are gay pedophiles, too. Ick, ick, ick. Love and sexual attraction aren't the same thing.

2) You DON'T know about Catholic priests and their sexual preferences. The shit that's gone down with the Priests is totally fucked up, but has much less to do with Priests in general than how the Church handled it. Also, by forcing Priests to be celibate, they are more likely to attract people who are having difficulty with their own sexuality, as well as normal folks who here the Call. Lastly, Priests are not more likely to do this shit than the general population. In fact, less so.

Jesus gay? From his relationship with Mary Magdalene, it doesn't seem so. But if so, so what?

Nuns: I don't get the married-to-Jesus-thing either. But it's admirable dedication. And there's lots of literature out there on what this actually means. I'll look into it.

Overall: to me, thinking that Jesus could be gay isn't blasphemous. I'm pretty perplexed by this whole post, though... unless it's a joke.

Anyway: Greetings from Montauk.

Love ya.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 7:53 AM EDT

Ah Rich, you are disappointing me; it looks like those drugs are affecting your sense of humor :( Or is it too much vacation? :P    

By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 7:47 PM EDT


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