
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

The non-sense continues

Remember that girl who traveled to the Middle East to meet with her Myspace.com boyfriend in Tel Aviv? Well, I guess it's not over yet. The virgin Palestinian lover in Tel Aviv is relentless and says he loves her and is planning to marry her - after she converts to Islam, of course. What a moron!

What puzzles me is that she faces charges for running away. Apparently I don't know all the laws. So, as if the expenses of intercepting her and bringing her home were not enough for us, the taxpayers, now we have to keep paying for a probation officer and all the other paper work?

And what really pisses me off is that the FBI has seized her family computer and "continues to investigate the case." There are two things that piss me off about this:
  1. Waste of taxpayers money.
  2. Talk about ethnic profiling! I would be very curious to see how much would the FBI give a @#$% if her lover was some blue-eyed, blonde hair Scandinavian boy.

Oh well, good luck to her.

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