A matter of (political) priorities
News from Washington tell us that our President vetoed a plan that would have boosted funding for the Children's (or should I say, "childrens'") Health Insurance Program by $35 billion over five years. I don't know what the current total budget for this program is but it covers about 6.6 million children whose parents can't afford it. I'm not going to get into details of whether some people do not deserve to be in this program, etc.
On the other hand, our mighty Senate passed a $456 billion budget for Pentagon - $3 billion of which are for the stupid Mexican border security. This does not include, however, $190 billion for the many people who are getting super rich - err, I meant to say for the "wars" in Iraq and Afghanistan. Which bring the total military budget to something like $655 billion. Did I mention it is only for the year 2008?
You draw your own conclusions...
On the other hand, our mighty Senate passed a $456 billion budget for Pentagon - $3 billion of which are for the stupid Mexican border security. This does not include, however, $190 billion for the many people who are getting super rich - err, I meant to say for the "wars" in Iraq and Afghanistan. Which bring the total military budget to something like $655 billion. Did I mention it is only for the year 2008?
You draw your own conclusions...
I can't wait for the democrats to win the next election and be done with this stupid war.
I heard smth about an Iraq Tax lately. Now that would make me really FURIOUS, to the point where I'd be in line protesting in front of the white house.
It's almost too stupid, hypocritical, and painful to write about.
personalisht nuk e kuptoj ne pergjithesi buxhetin per arme dhe ushtri veƧ thuhet qe eshte e rendesishme dhe p.sh. buxheti amerikan perfshin edhe ate europian te cilet, keta te fundit, nuk arrijne as te trasportojne trupat e tyre pa ameriken.
Iraku, eshte nje mesele tj.
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