
As some of you may know, I'm the type of person that gets confused fairly easy by certain things. So here we go:
- Since this Native American body builder looked like one of those warriors who we see in movies fighting the white conquerors, what is the purpose of him wearing the flag that way? Was it to show patriotism? Or was it a prize captured while scalping George A. Custer's men?
- I am assuming that, in this day and age, they wouldn't display a sculpture of a savage warrior, so he's probably wearing that flag to display patriotism for his conquered land. That's fine with me. But wouldn't patriotism be shown in a different way than a loin cloth, especially since in those days they didn't have the "modern" super-absorbent toilet papers we have today?
- Why is this statue displayed outside of a restaurant which carries the name of a city in Yemen? I just don't get the connection.
Confession: I started this post on January 11, 2006
God bless America....now go renew your NRA membership. :p
I tried to renew my membership but they said I was overqualified with that RPG I own :P
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