
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Southern humor

Monday, September 24, 2007

The blind leading the blind

Sunday, September 09, 2007
Now it's already old news that, just like I had anticipated (although not by this much), Apple lowered the price of their fancy iPhone by $200.

I've already posted my feelings/thoughts here about those "avant-garde" suckers that stay in line for hours to overpay for a product that has no shortage. And now I'm laughing all the way to the bank (well, kind of - since I doubt I'll ever buy the iPhone).

This was an interesting article. The Apple cult followers are finally, partially, starting to wake up.

Now here's a part that cracks me up: I've never seen a worse marketing strategy than what this dude, Andrew Brin, is using for himself - it's my assumption he did not mean for this to ruin his business! This dude is an "addiction Los Angelenos really that dumb and shallow to hire this guy?! His own words: "If they told me at the outset the iPhone would be $200 cheaper the next day, I would have thought about it for a second - and still bought it." "It's better than a dog, if you want to meet people," Brin said of his iPhone.

Mr. Brin, the addiction therapist, I have a message for you buddy: YOU'RE ADDICTED! Stop cheating your clients!

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