
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Photography - Gjon Mili

Monday, May 30, 2005
Photography has always been something of interest to me. I guess it's an obsession nurtured by the environment in which I grew up. An obsession that, regretfully, I haven't pursued much lately. In the meantime, however, I'll be posting some photos of the great early 20th century Albanian-American photographer Gjon Mili. I modified some of them, while I left the others in their original state to show Mili's artistic skills.

I'm starting this series with a group of photos that have dancing as a theme.

A new decade

As of two days ago, the roaring twenties are gone. A new decade has begun and is already bringing changes along with it. A new era? New decade, new (first) blog, new(er) car, new (first) baby... . I am not used to so many new things all at once, but I guess I need to adjust just like I've done in the past. I guess it's a bit early to tell results.