
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Back on track - kind of

After a 3 or so months hiatus (brother visiting from overseas and all), I started working out again. It feels good, it feels like I have more energy and don't feel as sluggish as before. "Free time" has become almost non-existent but I have to find the time to maintain my health.

Right now I'm doing just weights 3 times a week but next week need to start the other exercises (jump rope, etc. - not disclosing them all here :)) so I can go back to my old 5 day/week routine. I even changed my weight-lifting routine so muscles don't get used to the same old exercises. For almost two years I did arms on Monday and Friday, and chest and back on Wednesday. Now I decided to do all groups on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Let's see how it goes, since I have no plans to compete in any body building contests :)

Decided to change eating routine as well. It's been a couple of years that Eda has changed meal orders to "American/Western style" but I want to go back to the "Albanian style" and looks like it's working for the past 10 days or so. Growing up in Albania, lunch would be the largest/heaviest meal of the day, while dinner, eaten around 8:30, would be light. So we're trying to do the same, with meats and such consumed during lunch, while we have salads, soups or yoghurt for dinner. Feels good.

I hope I never become a fat - er.. "overweight" lazy slob!
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