
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

What a day!

No, mine wasn't really that eventful. But so many things happening in the world, it's hard to comment on all of them - and hard not to comment on some of them. So I'll give it a try:

1. Lazy French

Protests and strikes have engulfed France, again, for a few days now, reaching the climax today with about 1 million people protesting around the country. The protesters, mostly (or all of them) young people are demanding that the government abolish a new law which will make it easier for employers to fire people under 26 during the first two years of their employment.

Apparently, up to now, if a French employer hired some lazy dumb ass fresh out of school, he/she is stuck with this lazy one forever! Either I have become too "Americanized," or the French have lost their logic. It looks to me that the new national motto of France should be "Lazy dudes, unite!" or "Proletars of the world, unite - in France!"

It's a major mistake to think Russia was the first communist country in the world because France, although "officially" a capitalist society, is indeed the most socialist one. From what I've heard and read, employees have an enormous amount of power and rights. A 40-hour week was too much for them, so they asked to be reduced to 35 hours, and when last year the gov't wanted to abolish that, unions went on strike. French also enjoy the most days off. Now, I'm not suggesting that the American way, where 40 hours is almost a part-time job and people give back their vacation days is right either. But c'mon Frenchies, you already enjoy all these benefits, now you want permanent job security as well? What kind of sense does that make? No wonder your unemployment rate is among the highest in Europe at over 10% and no wonder your economy is spiraling down faster than a coin tossed from the Eiffel Tour.

Pathetic crying babies.

2. "I'm working to become a new man"

Judge sentenced the infamous politician corrupter Jack Abramoff to only almost 6 years in prison, the minimum sentence for what he did. Do I think he got off too easy? Hell yeah! Look at the kind of people these @ssholes are, once they see danger, they rush to make deals. So he made a deal to collaborate with "Justice" and tell about all the politicians he's worked with.

On the other hand, I don't think he's the one who should be jailed. As I've mentioned before, he didn't twist any politicians' arm. Well, OK, with the exception of the former owner of SunCruz casinos fleet who was found dead. But, seriously, he never forced any politician to take his money. He found a market and he used it.

But, what makes me laugh is this: "Abramoff told U.S. District Judge Paul C. Huck that he had "started the process of becoming a new man. I am much chastened and profoundly remorseful. I can only hope that the Almighty and those I have wronged will forgive my trespasses."" How is it possible that he wasn't chastened when he was taking money left and right and living the good life? I can guarantee you that his prayers to the Almighty during that time were quite a bit different, such as "God, please help me make millions of dollars and cheat those stupid Indians" or something of that nature. It's just like those hippies who were atheistic all their young life, didn't see a sober day and then, as they aged and realized they need to get a job to survive, they became "born-again Christians."

Bravo judge for falling for his crocodile tears.
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By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 8:26 PM EDT

Me? I'm working to become a new frenchman.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 11:18 AM EDT

Lucky bastard :P    

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