
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.


There's something special watching the sun rise on a crisp Spring morning. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is, but it's a positive feeling nonetheless, making one (that would be me) forget having to wake up at 6 AM on a Saturday morning to teach till 6 PM. It's a fulfilling, comforting and even "motivational" sensation. Having some good music playing on the background surely makes it even better.

It could be Spring's overall atmosphere, mixed with the inner desire for Winter to go away. It's hard to explain.

Sometimes I wish I could stop on the shoulder of the highway and just look straight at the sun and enjoy its crisp warmth and blinding light. I would try to inhale it all (not the Clintonian type of inhaling) but it's too much, and time races by, reminding me of obligations to show up on time at work. Instead, I try to enjoy as much as I can through my car's windshield - and look out for stupid drivers.

I do need to stop and enjoy moments like these.
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By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 7:55 PM EDT

I had no idea you were such a sap!


By Blogger Josue', at 11:47 AM EDT

Who are you?! And where is the real shqipo?!    

By Blogger shqipo, at 5:56 PM EDT

WTH is going on here? Damn it, someone hi-jacked my blog and posted as me!    

By Blogger Lily, at 6:45 AM EDT

haha, I was half expecting a rant about drivers ruining your morning. Surprised the post turned into something beautiful. ;)    

By Blogger shqipo, at 6:23 PM EDT

Well... certain drivers always annoy me ;-)    

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