
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

What are they thinking?

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I really have no idea what some people think when they leave their kids locked in a car for hours. Unfortunately, this is happening a bit too often lately.


Vermont, here I come!

Thursday, July 19, 2007
I have heard people raving about Vermont's natural beauties but, during these 13 years in the US, I never had a chance (or made an effort) to go there.

It looks like I made a big mistake! Apparently, when people were talking about natural beauty, they literally meant natural beauty... of people... in their natural birthday suits. Being used to the strict no nudity beaches here in Michigan, I had no idea Vermont was a "free for all" state. Well, now I know where my next vacation will be! :)

Although... it may backfire... in case of 80-year olds who decide to bear it all. *shrugs*


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Thanks for nothing, weather.com!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I find these things quite eerie: every time I wash my car, it rains the next day, no matter how many times I check the weather forecast. Because of weird weather conditions, I had put off waxing and polishing my car all Spring. I normally do a "thorough detailing" of my car twice a year, once in Spring and once in the Fall (Autumn for anyone outside US). With today's clear coating technology, there's not really a need to wax a car once a month anymore.

With this being sayi, this past Sunday, I gave in and spent over 2 hours doing an intensive Mr. Miyagi style workout. The car looks good good, that's for sure but today it's raining. Arrgh!!


I love the internets!

Monday, July 16, 2007
I really do!


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Extreme ways

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ah the laws...

Saturday, July 14, 2007
This country sure has some weird and absurd laws and rules...


Our tax dollars at work... in someone else's pocket

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Where do I start with this... lack of privacy or the fact that my tax money is being used to save insurance companies money - all while they increase their rates every year! Fan-tastic!



I apologize to all my fellow bloggers whose blogs I read and comment on for not being very active (at all) lately. I haven't had time to read blogs or write anything on my own blog ( although I do have a few drafts). Just wanted to let you know I haven't been ignoring you :)

Te me falin miqte e internetit qe s'kam pas mundesi/kohe te lexoj shkrimet e tyre. Do perpiqem qe te jem ca me aktiv.

I wonder...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Sometimes I wonder about the weirdest things (JD - keep the comments to yourself!). Here are some examples:

1. I do not know the history of how came to have separate public restrooms for each gender, but I assume it was to avoid any, uhm, sexual "accidents" of some sort.

What I wonder about is, what about gay people? Am I supposed to be comfortable if I'm minding my own business in a stall and a guy next to me is checking me out? Same for females and lesbians sharing the same bathroom. Has the time come for a 3rd bathroom for the so-called "trans-gender" ones?

2. It's been said many times before that, unlike Europeans (who work to live), Americans live to work. Having been embroiled in this lifestyle, I've come to accept it and, to a certain degree, become convinced that the reason why this country is kicking some major @ss is this work attitude. Although I do wonder how can (Western) Europeans afford so many vacation, so fewer work ours; where is the money coming from if people are not producing that much? I don't believe their productivity is higher.

Having said that, however, I wonder if this "work to live" is going too far when I drive to work at 7 AM and the roads are crowded! Heck, they're crowded at 6 AM! What are these people thinking? The worst part is that many of them are already on their cell phones (as they drive). Seriously, who are they talking to that early?

I have a couple of clients who call me around 8 AM or even before that. I don't pick up the phone.

3. Why do black people and gays always pull the race/sexual orientation card? If, for whatever reason, they do not get what they ask for, they'll jump and scream they're being discriminated. Give me a break! Stop blaming others for every damn thing.

I love politicians - part... oh who can keep track!

Am I supposed to feel save when the head honcho of thisland security (name changed for safety reasons...) declares that he thinks terrorists are on the move because his gut tells him so? After all, it's only the 21st century and we're only in the country with the most sophisticated intelligence system. Yet, he goes by his "gut feeling." Well, I think he can get a better answer if he asks Miss Cleo rather than his freakin' gut.

And, of course, there are some people who have this "wild" conspiracy idea that his statement was supposed to move public attention away from some other hot issues. That can't be true, can it? ;)

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I love poli-@$%&*-ticians

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I don't think I need to comment.