Sometimes I wonder about the weirdest things (JD - keep the comments to yourself!). Here are some examples:
1. I do not know the history of how came to have separate public restrooms for each gender, but I assume it was to avoid any, uhm, sexual "accidents" of some sort.
What I wonder about is, what about gay people? Am I supposed to be comfortable if I'm minding my own business in a stall and a guy next to me is checking me out? Same for females and lesbians sharing the same bathroom. Has the time come for a 3rd bathroom for the so-called "trans-gender" ones?
2. It's been said many times before that, unlike Europeans (who work to live), Americans live to work. Having been embroiled in this lifestyle, I've come to accept it and, to a certain degree, become convinced that the reason why this country is kicking some major @ss is this work attitude. Although I do wonder how can (Western) Europeans afford so many vacation, so fewer work ours; where is the money coming from if people are not producing that much? I don't believe their productivity is higher.
Having said that, however, I wonder if this "work to live" is going too far when I drive to work at 7 AM and the roads are crowded! Heck, they're crowded at 6 AM! What are these people thinking? The worst part is that many of them are already on their cell phones (as they drive). Seriously, who are they talking to that early?
I have a couple of clients who call me around 8 AM or even before that. I don't pick up the phone.
3. Why do black people and gays always pull the race/sexual orientation card? If, for whatever reason, they do not get what they ask for, they'll jump and scream they're being discriminated. Give me a break! Stop blaming others for every damn thing.