
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Personal fundraising campaigns

Friday, September 09, 2005
It looks like I'm on fire today! Or maybe I'm paying too much attention to what I'm reading on the net.

Are some people going too far with these internet fundraising campaigns? A couple of days ago, I read about this guy who created a website trying to raise $1 million (yes, that's right) for his education. He was selling ads on his website. OK, since I'm all for education (if he's really going to use it for education - $1 million??), I am going to let that go. But then I read about this other guy who's running an internet campaign to raise money... to buy a Ferrari! I don't know how true this is but he's raised some money already! I'd really like to get to know these suckers! No, I don't have any bridges for sale, but I can use some money, just for the heck of it. I can build a website too - for myself. :)

Viva Las Vegas!

I wrote a few days ago a little angry at the people who refused (or ignored orders, pleas, etc.) to move out of the city of New Orleans as Katrina was coming to party down on Burboun St. Then, seeing in what condition those people were living in, I felt bad and thought that maybe they had no means of transportation or paying for hotel somewhere else.

However, the little evil in the back of my head keeps bugging me that, perpaps these people were simply thinking "why should I move, the gov't will take care of me, just like it has done so far."

Anyway, as I'm reading the news this morning trying to wake up my brain, I read how the Sin City (for those who don't know, Las Vegas) has welcomed the New Orleans evacuees. I think it's great, there are plenty of hotels in L.V., although it is quite far from N.O. And then, as I reading further down, I thought "wait a second! Vegas?? So...since these people are used to gambling and drinking, they have be accomodated as close to their previous conditions as possible?"

And yes, it's an all expenses paid 5-day vacation paid by local businesses and the Red Cross! So, that's why we're donating money to the Red Cross, so they can gamble and drink... because they refused to leave their home in the first place? I wonder if we're paying for strippers and stress-relieving visits to the Bunny Ranch... .

If you think I'm exgerating, read what the evacuees are saying
"My mind is all Las Vegas," said Cummings, a 21-year-old college student. "I just want to get drunk, see some shows and eat some good food."

Any comments?

Here's the news

What's this guy doing?

I was reading the news this morning about New Orleans and didn't pay much attention to this photo. But when I went back to read something else, it caught my eye. Look at the guy in the back (black uniform). What is he doing? Where is is right hand??? I know they're friendly down South, but I didn't know they're that friendly... and liberal ;-)

"Take your hands off his pants, and step away from the podium!"

People are strange (continued)

Friday, September 02, 2005
Some people are worried that I was too harsh on my previous post. Perhaps I was - but then again, I saw this video today (thanks Josue') of police, in uniform, looting a store. No, it wasn't taken in Iraq, or Kazakhstan, or some dirt-poor third world country. The finest in blue uniforms were "serving and protecting" as they looted a Wal-Mart in New Orleans. Now I wonder if they'll even get a slap on the wrist when the situation gets back to normal.

But the good news is that, finally, 4 (four) days after Katrina, the National Guard was able to make it to the remote, unreachable, small village of New Orleans. I wonder how many hours it would take them to be deployed to Iraq... .

"If we can't respond faster than this to an event we saw coming across the Gulf for days, then why do we think we're prepared to respond to a nuclear or biological attack" asked former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Republican. Well, if Mr. Gingrich doesn't know - how safe am I supposed to feel?

And this one is mind-numbing, too: "
"Where it's not working right, we're going to make it right," the president said after walking through a devastated neighborhood of Mobile, Ala. "Where it is working right, we're going to duplicate it elsewhere." And while he was asked about the National Guard troops: "They need to stabilize that situation," the president said. "They need to make sure that the food and medicine that is in place is given to the people that need the food and medicine." OK... even an immigrant like me could formulate a better sentence - couldn't I?

Let's just hope for the best... .

People are strange (updated)

Thursday, September 01, 2005
It seems like Jim Morrison was right. I just read on the news that hell has broken loose in New Orleans. Despite looting, which is partly understandable in such situations, since they don't have anything to eat, there are reports that people are raped and beaten there as well. Furthermore, there are people who are firing shots at the military helicopters (and their crew) who are risking their lives to go and rescue them. Seriously, even if I take my logic to extremes and put myself into their position, I can't find any hint of a reason to do such things. Why? Seriously, how can someone who is starved and fearing of his life even think about sexual pleasures?

For those who still believe in that stork tale or even the latest "intelligent design" one, here's your proof we are descendents of animals. And frankly, there's nothing intelligent about thinking of raping someone when everything around you smells like death.
But you're half-way right though: we don't seem to have evolved that much.

Interesting enough, some of those who are trapped there seem to complain about "lack of evacuation/rescuing efforts." Well, guess what, even in Iraq people don't shoot at helicopters who are trying to save them! Apparently, you're trying to keep those rescuers away. Fine, then shut the hell up and don't complain.

Speaking of evacuation, what were these people still doing in that city? I can understand the poor ones who were caught by surprise by the tsunami, but which part of the advanced warnings "Evacuate, leave the city, get the hell outta here" didn't they understand?

Here's my opinion: This is a prime example that we should not interfere with nature's (or God's) selection process. For those of you who don't understand correctly what I'm saying or want it more bluntly: Let them rot there! Better yet, turn that area into a
natural alligator reservation, I'm sure those sweet reptiles will be thankful... .

News Article