
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Pontiac Solstice

Thursday, June 16, 2005
Yesterday, driving through Keego Harbor, I saw this very cool looking convertible roadster. I had seen it at the Detroit Auto Show but it was a first street viewing of the new Pontiac Solstice. Yes, it does look quite a bit like a BMW Z4 but it looked beautiful nonetheless - especially something that you'd never expect from Pontiac. I didn't know about its specs until 5 minutes ago but it does give you the impression of a powerful speedster.

The man who was driving it was a middle aged (or older), cocky-looking one. We were both waiting side by side at a red light to make a turn and I was admiring its nice looks. When the light turned, I hear this tire screeching and the Pontiac charging away. Like I said, I didn't know what's under that hood, but that really irritated me so I decided to give it a try: I was already in third, so I dropped it into second and my Scoobie woke up like a little devil. The Pontiac driver didn't even have time to turn his head around to see what was going on cause my exhaust fumes blew his colored hair back.

I've never done anything like this with my Scoobie but, ah, it did feel good! But then, after seeing that this Solstice only has 177 hp, I don't feel that special anymore, it needs 50 more hp to catch up with Scoobie. Cool looking car though.

Pontiac Solstice


11 Years living in Michigan and I still can't get used to this moody weather. It's the middle of June, and, since Michigan is geographically on the northern hemisphere, it's supposed to be Summer. Right...summer, with a low of 51° F (10° C)!


Wednesday, June 08, 2005
A lot of people that I know complain about Michigan's unpleasant weather (cold and snowy winters, hot and humid summers). I've complained about it, too, especially right after moving here from a "milder" Mediterranean climate. Now I've kind of gotten more used to it, and a new AWD car will probably help (I haven't tested it yet in the winter). But, when I saw this article about driving costs around the country, I thought to myself "Yes! Another reason to move to Honolulu!" :)

Article I mentioned.


Monday, June 06, 2005
I just finished watching the movie "Barbershop." It is supposed to be a comedy but on the weak side - at least that's what I thought. But what surprised me was the striking resemblance between that barbershop and ones in Albania (or at least the ones I used to go to)!

I admit it, I've never been to a "inner city" barbershop here in the States. Heck, I don't think I've been to a true barbershop, I don't think those mall "salons" or Bo-Rics are considered barbershops :)

But, going back to what I was saying about the resemblance, it's really fascinating. Here we have two countries on different sides of the Atlantic, two completely different cultures (or are they?) and yet quite similar. As I was growing up in Albania, I've been a regular customer at only two barbershops. But, they sure were more than just a place to get your hair cut. If you wanted to know the latest gossips, that's the place. If you wanted to discuss passionately about sports and even listen to the most confident sports analysts and forecasters, that would be the place to go to. Wanted an opinion about a new movie? You guessed it! Heck, one of my barbers there was even a tailor, so not only you could get a haricut but pair of pants tailored (quite popular among the "in" crowd those days since the pants sold in stores had nothing to do with fashion and were a "one style/size fits all" type) as well and fashion advice.

Maybe some sociology Ph.D. should do a study on these similarities.

Exploding toilet

Sunday, June 05, 2005
As I was logging out from my Hotmail junk account (the one I use for all those annoying websites that won't let you in unless you register), my eyes caught this news which sure made me laugh hysterically. It talks about a man who encountered something I've only seen in movies: his toilet exploded...as he was sitting there...smoking a cigarette. I can only imagine the trauma - and the mess :) I'm sure glad I am not his neighbor!

And here comes the tragi-comic part: this ill-fated man is suing some company for $10 million because of this incident! As you'll read in the article (link below), it looks like there was some gas leak (funny!) - not from him but from a gas pipe (I can't stop laughing as I write this) underneath the toilet unit.

Now one would be curious what caused this gas to be ignited: his cigarette that he was smoking. OK, is it just me or has this "multi-tasking" thing gotten out of hand? Don't take me wrong, I am all for multi-tasking, but the only other task I can think of doing while sitting there is read. So read this Mr. lawsuit-happy PA man: a bathroom's function is not as a smoking area, or cafeteria (I know someone who drinks coffee while doing his business!)!

Am I the only one to think we've become way too lawsuit-happy? The irony is that this man is a methane power plant operator! So, wouldn't he be in a better position than all of us to know bathrooms are gassy places (pun intended) and anything flammable (more pun...) would ignite something? Geez!

Here's the link


Wednesday, June 01, 2005
OK, I just read an article about McDonald's restaurants going all high-tech and couldn't help scratch my head in confusion. No, it doesn't say they're installing any new high-tech grills or friars, nor any non-human drive-thru window associate. Nor does it promise that when you order a burger with no mayo, you'll actually get one without it.

What it does say though is that McDonald's, the American icon of fast food, is trying to get customers to stay longer (as well as increase repeat visits) at their restaurants so they could, well, increase their BMI (Body Mass Index) at a quicker pace. A while ago, taking a clue from yuppie establishments like Starbucks and Panera Bread, McDonald's started to experiment offering Wi-Fi access. Mind you, I haven't been to a McDonald's in quite a while, so I'd be curious to see people having lunch as grease drips in slow-mo over their laptop keyboards.

As Wi-Fi wasn't enough, now, according to this article, people can buy music, ringtones or even print photos as their fries get cold. Ah, yes, I can imagine the romantic conversations over freshly printed photos... "Honey, you look great in this pic stuffing your mouth with that double-extra HugeMac and fries and that Diet Coke!"

Being a business owner myself, I applaud creative but effective ways that companies apply to increase store traffic and sales. But this one sure caught me by surprise. I always thought McDonald's success was based on "cheap food - fast." Don't just take my word for it, here's what this iconic company proclaims:
Is one of the world's most well-known and valuable brands and holds a leading share in the globally branded quick service restaurant segment of the informal eating-out market in virtually every country in which we do business. So, highly-paid execs, how does this new high-tech expense support your 60+ years global image?

For many years, McDonald's tried to bring in more kids into their restaurants and try to make them stay longer (read: eat more grease) by building playgrounds inside their establishments. Now that kids have already become obese, why not do the same with those few adults who have escaped the obesity attack?

Link to the article I mention above.