
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Age difference

Tonight one student on one of my online classes that I teach revealed that her husband was 75 years old and felt lonely when she attended class. Since this is an online class, I've never seen this lady so I was quite puzzled when she said how old her husband was. Thinking that they'd be a couple of years apart, I was trying to understand what would push a lady in her 70s to get a bachelor's degree now. It looks like I wasn't the only one who was puzzled cause one of the students asked her about her age and she's 47.

What would make a woman get married to a man 30 years older? How well do these relationships go?

How many Anna Nicole Smiths are out there?
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By Blogger Josue', at 10:36 PM EDT

*cough* Money *cough*    

By Blogger Selfmaderadio, at 7:53 AM EDT

I know such a couple too. 4 years ago they even got a child. They seem to function well. No money in game.    

By Blogger Lily, at 5:37 PM EDT

Maybe he has that Sean Connery, older man charm going on ;)
I think, a couple who are 50 and 75 probably have much more in common and more chance of making their relationship work than the couple who are..say 20 and 45-50 years old.
I'm sure for some age is just a number, but personally, I think if someone is old enough to be your father,he's probably too old.    

By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 2:23 PM EDT

Yeah, I have a friend who's 55, married to a dude who's 72. It's a little odd. Physically, they're something of a mismatch. She's pretty hot. He's kind of an old dude.

But I know it was a love thing, not a money thing... they just hit it off.

Heck, I dated a 31-year-old when I was 21... that's emotionally a bigger different than 50/70.

I dunno. Love is strange. People are strange. You are strange.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 7:28 PM EDT

Gee, thnx Rich. I guess, on your end, faces look ugly when you're alone. I don't blame you though. However, do women seem wicked since you’re unwanted? :P    

By Blogger ITS, at 1:42 AM EDT

Rich said "Heck, I dated a 31-year-old when I was 21... "

Pfff... been there, done that...    

By Blogger shqipo, at 8:54 AM EDT

Are we opening our black books now? ;-)    

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