
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.


I don't even know where to start commenting on this, so I better leave it blank: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7279844/did/12287818?GT1=7938
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By Blogger Lisa, at 2:25 PM EDT

Well I guess that would help explain why we're fatter than everyone else, too!    

By Blogger shqipo, at 2:50 PM EDT

True, that surely doesn't help - at all! But I think there are other issues to consider when it comes to our fatness - err... "overweight issue."

Frankly, as consumers we probably can request healthier oil or whatever, but in the end, it's our choice; noone is twisting our arm to eat it.    

By Blogger Lily, at 4:28 PM EDT

That particular food is much cheaper in America than anywhere else, and the portion sizes for the same meal are bigger, so I guess they had to cut costs somewhere. (Supersize Me didn't initially mean anything to anyone in Europe...because supersize doesn't exist)

"I don't think people would mind paying a penny more or getting one less french fry to avoid heart disease," he said."

That line is funny, surely not actually eating it would be the best bet to avoid heart disease.    

By Blogger Lisa, at 11:20 AM EDT

good point, shqip... Which is why I choose not to eat it. Usually. :-)    

By Blogger Josue', at 9:39 PM EDT

Inject laziness into the equation....and you have the success of FastFood. CEO's of these companies know consumers are lazy, therefore, "ideas" such as Supersize take off because people THINK and convince themeselves that they cannot help themselves and the idea of educating yourself about healthy food choices takes way too much effort....    

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