
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Ah, the lawyers...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I always wondered how come lawyers (or is it lay-ers?) are so expensive. I also did not quite understand when people complained how la(w)yers screwed them. But now I know why! Damn it, I am in the wrong business!


I found this quite funny. Thanks lolers

Electribe 101: Talking With Myself

And if it's all right with you
I'll just talk with myself
I never was the one to leave you mad
And when the light's shining down on you
You sure look tragic too
And if it's all right with you
I'll just talk with myself
Oh when the stars are bright and the lights shine down
And everything moves all around
It's a wonder world and a perfect time for loving
And when it all gets hung and it all gets tough and
everything won't be enough
It's a perfect time to all come true for loving tonight
I've seen you passing by
And when you caught my eye
I thought "God this could be the next big thing"
And when you issued a command
Telling me to hold your hand
Oh baby, I wish it would rain
Woh Oh-Woh
And when it all gets hung and it all gets tough and
everything won't be enough
It's a perfect time to all come true for loving
Oh yeah...

Community service

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
As much as I'd like to be humble, I can't say that I'm exactly new to community service. Actually [warning: self horn-touting ahead], I even got some kind of an award for community service in college and have been volunteering many hours and some $$ to the Albanian community here in Michigan. But yesterday was different, and it was probably the one that made me feel great.

I happened to meet on Saturday an Albanian father whose 18 year old son has been badly hurt in a car accident earlier this year. This father was very concerned and, for some reasons, got delighted when he learned about my job(s) in education and asked me if I could meet with his son and convince him to go to college. I agreed without giving it a second thought.

So yesterday I went to their house and met with that boy. He could walk, a little, with help from some special braces, his right eye not functioning and, possibly, not going to function anymore, etc. His brain capacity, I think, was at 85-90% but, according to his dad, much better at what it used to be right afer the accident and improving. Doctors say it will return to normal in about 12-18 months.

He's a bright kid, who had an interest in business, but wasn't so sure that he needed to continue school. Before graduating high school, he took all the business classes offered at his HS and was already working for a real estate investment/mortgage company. I think that his current physical condition was an social embarrasment to him, that's why he didn't want to continue college. Add to that the fact that some moron "executive" had told him he didn't need a piece of paper (college degree) to succeed - which is partly true. Anyway, to make a long story short, I talked to him for over an hour and told him what this options would be, what would be a better route, etc. - and encourage him to go to school, of course.

I think he's convinced and is going tomorrow to a local university to apply - I hope so!

Giant worm


"What kid wouldn't want to play with a 3 foot-long, lily smelling, soft pink worm that spits?"

Just you or your kids, you freak!

Happy birthday!

Monday, September 11, 2006
Happy 1st birthday my little one. May you have a wonderful life ahead of you: a happier, easier, better and longer than mine.

You have changed my life, in more ways than I can explain to you. I didn't think I would get so attached to you but I do love you very much and I'm trying very hard (so far) so you can have a smooth life.

It's amazing what sacrifices parents go through for their children... .

Love the politicians!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Read this yesterday. I've come to a point that I shake my head in disbelief when I read idiotic things like these, coming out from our "leaders'" mouths, I even laugh a little (as in "I can't believe he/she just said that!") but there's nothing else I can do.

And something that has nothing to do with the war: why do bla... err, African-American politicians keep referring back to the slavery, all the damn time?