
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.


Thursday, November 23, 2006
Now that Sadam has been sentenced to death for ordering the killings of some tens or hundreds of people, I wonder who will get sentenced for causing the killings of thousands of people, Americans and Iraqis...



Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I found this one hilarious!


Cell phones

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Last night on local news, they talked about this guy they had caught sending "sexually inappropriate" (I wonder what the definition of that is...) text messages to a 10 year old girl. Now, I could "wonder" how innocent the 10 year old is, how he got her number, how he asked her straight out for sex without any type of "foreplay" and other questions of this nature but that's not my point.

My question is: why does/should a 10-year old have her own cell phone?

And I'm not 100% why and since when have I become such a "tightwad" conservative - especially since I wasn't exactly the perfect kid growing up (and I'm still growing up...).

Wine Review of the week

Monday, November 20, 2006
Wine: Altano 2004 from Douro Valle vineyards in northern Portugal. Varietals: Tinta Roriz and Vouriga Franca.

Don't expect a Robert Parker type review from me. All I will tell you is whether each wine is worth buying/trying or not - according to me, of course.

And this wine is worth it. It has mellow notes but leaves a pleasant palate.

Kelly's Sleepover

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Kelly's Sleepover
Originally uploaded by klaw.
I have no idea who Kelly is, nor do I know who her mom (who took the photo) is. I just ran across it browsing flickr. I'm sure they're nice girls.

But... I am not sure I comprehend the idea that parents might actually encourage their daughters to dress this way - at this age.

Damn it, why have I become so conservative all of a sudden?!

Government study: Web 1 percent porn

Thursday, November 16, 2006
That's what CNN says. Frankly, I'm quite surprised. 1%? That's all? Are you sure?

What pisses me off, however, is not the low number of porn sites, but why the f... is my tax money being wasted to conduct such stupid studies? Are there other places where my money could be spent, such as Iraq, Halliburton and stuff like that?

Original sin?!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I was invited to take photos at the baptism of a good friend (I think...) of mine's daughter. All went well, people were happy and excited, and I think I took some decent photos - at least the "client" like them (or so he said).

The priest was an older Italian-born man. At the beginning of the ceremony, he started to explain how the little girl was now going to be free and clean from her original sin. I lowered my camera when I heard that. Those words stuck with me ever since.

What kind of sin could a 4-month old bay do? Did she poop more than what the priests allow? Did she suck on her mom's breast a little too hard? And just what the hell is the "original" sin? Does this mean that she was already born as a sinner? What sinful things could she have done inside her mother's womb? Did she exceed the number of kicks she's allowed? Or did she "hit" (as in drink from) the umbilical cord too much?

I was in a hurry and busy taking photos so I didn't get a chance to ask that nice priest what did he exactly mean by what he said. And I didn't want to upset my friend either. So I never got an answer to my question(s). If someone does know what sin the priest was talking about, I'd appreciate it if you could tell me.

Refrigerator mess

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I just realized that our refrigerator has become an ugly bulletin board, with all kinds of magnets holding notes, receipts, etc. Yikes!!!

The Senator is calling

新しいメールアドレス: senatortawar_wada2003@yahoo.co.jp

Dear Partner,

I am Hon.Tawar Wada, Formal Chairman of Finance and appropriation.

I have the sum of US$29,000,000.00 (Twenty NineMillion Dollars) for investment

I need your full names and telephone numbers(cell) to speak with you.

Best Regards,

Senator.Tawar Wada.