Sunday, October 29, 2006
One of their cartoon shows was something called Bratz, which were a group of girls (4 or 5, don't remember). I could not believe what I was watching! These girlz looked like underage Moldovian prostitutes (no disrespect for that country)! They were wearing knee-high platform boots, something which, I guess, was supposed to be skirts which went all the way up to their crack - and, of course, the now ubiquitous bare midriff shirts. They all wore heavy make-up.
Before this one, there was another show with some fairies or whatever, who, again, were barely dressed.
WTF is this?! If our daughters are watching these little whores on TV, they will ask (or just do it without asking...) to dress like that when they're 4! What's next, a pole to dance???