
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

"I'm sorry but the closest strip club is 8 miles that way."

Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday I walked by the receptionist at work (my new job) and saw this 19 or so year old girl filling out a new student application. There were two older women with her, which I later learned were her mother and grandmother. I couldn't help looking at this girl's boots: knee-high, very furry, with two little furry balls hanging from strings. They looked very appropriate for an Alaskan winter. Outside was a typical 90+ degree, muggy, humid Michigan day. She had nice legs though, up to her very, very short Daisy Duke shorts.

I tried not to look for too long: it doesn't really look appropriate if you're getting eyeballed by a department chair. The receptionist had a few things to ask me and, in the mean time, the girl got up to take a tour of the school with her marketing rep. So the receptionist started making comments about her see-through white shirt and black bras which barely covered her well-endowed (don't know if natural or not) breasts. Now, I don't really talk often to the receptionist, not because I'm a snob or anything but we rarely work the same shifts. She went on commenting about that girl sporting a camel toe as well. Needless to say, I was shocked, both by the girl's outfit (again: she was there applying to get admitted to college!) and the receptionist's frank remarks. Another interesting thing is that she (receptionist) hadn't even noticed her boots, while I hadn't notice her see-through shirt!

Why would someone dress that way? I am not socially conservative by any means. Hell, I admit it: I feast my eyes when I see girls (who have the body for it... damn I'm shallow!) dressed that way - as long as it's not my daughter or my wife :P But seriously, is it a good idea to show up to an interview dressed that way? And here's the nice closing line: her mom admitted later to the receptionist that she was the one who had recommended her daughter to dress that way!


Since I'm on the subject of revealing clothes: As I mentioned above, I have no objections to them, provided it's tasteful and the girl who wears them looks good in them. There is one thing I don't understand, however: I have observed (yes, I do like to observe people, how they act, etc. - from a distance) that some girls who wear low cut blouses, seem to get annoyed if guys look down their cleavage and try to cover up. Wait a sec, this doesn't make any sense to me: if you don't want people to look down your cleavage, why the hell did you wear that shirt in the first place?


I read this on Slate and, frankly, I agree. I do not gamble but seeing corrupt politicians push for internet gambling ban because it's a competitive threat to the others who finance their campaigns (remember Abramoff?) aggravates the hell out of me.

Another thing I don't agree with is how they're calling gambling as "entertainment." I think gambling is simply a way for people to express and exercise their greed for fast and easy money (if they win) through minimal (or none at all) work. Entertainment is what casinos provide to lure people to come and gamble at their casino vs. their competitor, as well as take peoples' minds off their losses :)


Sunday, July 30, 2006
Like others, I had my "rebellious" teenage years with the usual signs of parental disrespect, claiming they don't understand, etc. Now that I'm a first-time father, things seem quite different. I think I need to apologize to my parents for all the trouble I have caused them. I feel that this song from Mike and the Mechanics says it all:

Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door

I know that I'm a prisoner
To all my father held so dear
I know that I'm a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I'm afraid that's all we've got

You say you just don't see it
He says it's perfect sense
You just can't get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Taldefense defence

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It's the bitterness that lasts

So don't yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different day
And if you don't give up, and don't give in
You may just be o.k.

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

I wasn't there that morning
When my father passed away
I didn't get to tell him
All the things I had to say

I think I caught his spirit
Later that same year
I'm sure I heard his echo
In my baby's new born tears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

Confession: I started this post on August 20, 2005, as I was getting ready to become a father!


I was driving home today and, when I approached this restaurant (which has changed hands/names/types almost quarterly ever since I've been driving by it) I noticed a life-size wooden statue outside. It was an Ah-nold built-like Native American looking out on the horizon...of cars stuck in traffic. What puzzled me was that his loin cloth was the American flag.

As some of you may know, I'm the type of person that gets confused fairly easy by certain things. So here we go:

  1. Since this Native American body builder looked like one of those warriors who we see in movies fighting the white conquerors, what is the purpose of him wearing the flag that way? Was it to show patriotism? Or was it a prize captured while scalping George A. Custer's men?
  2. I am assuming that, in this day and age, they wouldn't display a sculpture of a savage warrior, so he's probably wearing that flag to display patriotism for his conquered land. That's fine with me. But wouldn't patriotism be shown in a different way than a loin cloth, especially since in those days they didn't have the "modern" super-absorbent toilet papers we have today?
  3. Why is this statue displayed outside of a restaurant which carries the name of a city in Yemen? I just don't get the connection.

Confession: I started this post on January 11, 2006

Black books

I keep watching/hearing in movies people mentioning and having these black books where, supposedly, they keep their past girl/boyfriends' names and contact info. I do not know any of my friends who has such a book so I have a few questions:

  1. Does anyone really have such books?
  2. Do they have to have black covers? If so, why? Who came up with the idea of a black book? Can they be in electronic formats, such as a PDA?
  3. Why would people need such a book? For stalking their former lovers or those lonely nights when they need a booty call?
  4. With people now being quite mobile, moving from one place to another, wouldn't a good portion of the contact info be outdated?

I'm rich II

Friday, July 21, 2006
I don't know why I shouldn't trust these people, they look legit:

GREETINGS:Re: Transfer of Title Inquiry: Deutsche.Capital..My name is Sarah Ethan. I work as an executive partner for the firm Ethan consulting and Martini Investment Brokers and Security Consultants U.K.We are conducting an end of year consolidated financial statement for the year ending Mar.2005 under conjunctional agreement with Deutsche Bank the German conglomerate banking giants.This notary enquiry involves a client who shares your surname and also the circumstances surrounding investments made by this client at Deutsche Bank offshore group a commercial and investment arm of the parent Bank.It was brought to our knowledge that the formentioned client died in testate and nominated no next of kin to the title over the investments made with the Bank.We came to know of you via the London.Global.Database.Center(L.G.D.C.) Hence we are making this contact.The essence of this communication with you is to assist us in our investigation by providing us with information you may have regarding this inquiry on any of the 3 KEY issues.
  1. Are you aware of any relative/relation who's last contact address was Brussels, Belgium
  2. Who shares a similiar name?
  3. Who' date of birth on file was 27/07/1932?

Thank-you for your co-operation and best regards,

Sincerely,Mrs.Sarah Ethan.



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:ETHAN&MARTINI LTD.U.K.This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is protected by the business-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately

Your condo... scratch that: your car's condo is ready to move in

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I have nothing against people using their hard-earned (or inherited...) money any way they want. It's just that sometime I scratch my head thinking "are you f... kidding me?"

Like this one: a $200,000 for... their car. I just don't know what to say.


Monday, July 17, 2006
A while ago I wrote here how I think I've been having issues with my short-term memory. I was/am worried, although I can find excuses for myself such as the crazy multi-tasking, having to worry (and remember) all these things at the same time, etc.

However, I started reading more what I could do. It appears that certain fruits and vegetables help - but they're already part of my diet. So I went and bought some OTC Ginkgo Biloba. Now, if I can only remember to take them twice a day... .

I had heard about "tips" to enhance memory by associations, even this article suggests it. Is it just me or is this kind of non-sense? Can anyone tell me how, trying to remember all those stupid other "mnemonics" or whatever, can help with memory? So if I want to remember, e.g. the Great Lakes (based on their example), I first have to remember HOMES, and then I have to remember what it stands for. It's like trying to scratch your left ear with your right hand - around the back of your head.

Confession: I started this post on June 29th, 2006

Cool president

I think, sometimes, it's pretty cool to have a "down to earth" president who doesn't give a shit (pun intended).

How cheap can you go?

I was accused a couple of days ago for being cheap - and this came from a guy who keeps an excel spreadsheet comparing laundry detergent prices from store to store and goes to Starbucks to get their used coffee grinds to fertilize his garden. But maybe I am - I know I try to be frugal but perhaps, sometimes, I cross into into cheapskate-ness.

But, my point for this vent is something else. A friend of mine has moved to FL and has a very well-paid job; he's probably making double of what I make and he has no family. Anyway, I don't try to get into peoples' finances but some things do bother me. He's in town to visit his mom and then travel to Canada with his Mexican girlfriend (he's paying for this whole trip). In the mean time, he's renting out his house down in FL. He's never had any loans; his college was paid by his parents and his employer paid for his master's. He lived completely cost-free with his mom until he moved to FL two years ago. Heck, he didn't even need to have a checking account (and he didn't - he only had an investment account with some brokerage firm) cause he spent so little cash.

Everytime he's in town, we go out for coffee or a drink - mostly my treats since he's a "guest." Yesterday was the same story, we went out to this chain coffee shop and, to his credit, he took out a $20 bill supposedly to pay. When the barista asked if our coffees were both together, he didn't say a thing, but I could see he was uncomfortable. So I jumped in and said yes. As I said, he "offered" to pay, supposedly, but you know how people have this look in their face that shows how uncomfortable they are and they get relieved when someone else pays.

I'm not venting cause my budget was hurt by a $3 coffee, but the whole thing just bugs me. And I just took him (and gave all his background details) as an example to make a point, there are a few others like him as well.

Give me new boobs - or else!

Sunday, July 16, 2006
Well, I thought I had heard all kinds of excuses for killing someone, but I guess I did not take into consideration bags of silicone.

Even if she didn't kill her husband, is it just me or is a "breast enhancement" surgery juuust a little bit too quick (only 2 months!) after she buried her husband. Man, she sure wastes no time to look good for someone else - using the poor husband's insurance money, of course. Frankly, I can't really think of a better way to use that money - isn't it what life policy is all about?

I guess I'm playing it smart by not having a life insurance policy...

Confession: I started this post on July 11.

Dental bling

Damn it, just as I was getting ready to get my bling-bling grill, they come up with this! Why do these white, suburban dentists have to ruin it for me? And when am I going to learn to be an early adaptor?

World Cup

Friday, July 07, 2006
I don't know how I've resisted so far writing something about the 2006 World Cup. Afterall, it's only the most-watched event in the world.

I can't claim I've watched all the games. Unfortunately, unlike all the other countries outside of North America, work here does not stop because of World Cup so... I've only been able to watch half of them or so. Overall, I had no expectations that the old European powers would be able to lead this time. I thought some smaller teams would change the map. But it didn't happen. Surprisingly, Italy and France (France!) who played some very mediocre football - err "soccer" - in their group matches, helped by great acting/faking skills and referees, made it to the final. I have been very impressed with the smaller teams, like Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Australia, etc. but I guess skills are not enough, experience is needed as well.

Since I'm not a great fan of any of the finalist teams, I wish them both well on Sunday - and hopefully we'll be able to watch some nice football.

And last but not least, I really don't understand why Americans are not that attracted to this great sport: http://msn.foxsports.com/soccer/pgStory?contentId=5676192


Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's been a while I haven't said anything blasphemous. Actually, I don't think this is blasphemous - cause I truly have no intention to be as such. I'm just curious, and, sometimes I think of unusual things - which sound logical to me, however.

For instance: I see all these people screaming and crying how much they love Jesus. Take Jerry Falwell, the famous anti-gay crusader. He loves Jesus very much. Now, if I'm not mistaken, Jesus was (or is, depending on your religious beliefs) a man. Jerry, as far as I can tell, is a man as well. Doesn't this love make Mr. Falwell gay? Not that I care much what Jerry's sexual preferences are, but... just curious... .

In addition, same goes for monks and priests - oh wait, we already know about Catholic priests and their sexual preferences. But that's kinda intriguing, because priests are supposed to be very much alike their Lord. Does that mean... (here comes the blasphemous part) that Jesus might have been gay as well? So, if Jerry and these priests share the same Lord, using the widely accepted Transitive Property of Equality, that means that... oh no... Jerry Falwell is gay and likes young boys?

And don't even make me start on those nice nuns. Seriously, I know they're very nice ladies - I still have to see a "hot" one like they have them in some movies but that's a different subject. So, they give up everything, even sex, because (their words, not mine) they are married to Jesus. I have no problems with that, actually I admire those ladies for sacrifice and dedication, I really do! Being one who always wonders, however, I can't help come up with questions such as:

  • When do they "consume" their marriage with Jesus?
  • How do they do it?
  • Do nuns fake headaches?
  • Taking into consideration that there are thousands and thousands of nuns, how can Jesus - and when does he find the time to - please them all?

And last but not least: If Jesus is married to so many nuns, isn't that polygamy? If so, why does the Catholic church and all the other "mainstream" Christian denominations condemn polygamy? They always tell us to be like Jesus (What Would Jesus Do?) - so why wouldn't they allow us to be polygamous? Does this mean that the Mormon Church is the one which truly follows Jesus?

That must be pretty nice: one man, married to all those women (nuns). Jesus, I envy you. Actually no, I love you Jesus! Oh wait!

Product of the day

Monday, July 03, 2006
Today's "product of the day" award goes to wizmark. There's nothing more enticing than, while getting rid of a beer, get the idea about the next beer to buy - hopefully the one I buy is not warm... . Yum!